
too busy, sick man, visitors (here's the nutshell)

Been a while since my last post and here is why. my hubby has FINALLY go tthe ball rolling with fixing his lung problem and the past 2 weeks have been spent with him being home and trying to keep this house in some sort of order! he is NOW at the hospital after having surgery this afternoon and is doing well but is in ICU for the night and hopefully he will be moved to a room tomorrow evening. thats THAT in a nutshell. my inlaws are here and my MIL will be here for about a month. my dad and sandra came this past weekend to check on B and to see me and the kiddos. thats THAT in a nutshell. right now i am way too tired to even be ON here, but i am waiting on an important email for my FIL so i am trying to stay awake, even though i have to be UP at 7 again in the morn. oh the joys of living on about 10 hours sleep streched out over a 3 day period. gone are the days of normalcy, welcome insanity. i'll try to make time to catch up and make my blog interesting once again, but for now, basics will have to do! shel, i hope you are having a great summer, you need to e-me soooooon! (as in right now)....read a few new books the past 2 weeks and will post those sometime when hubby is home and stuck in bed. i'll leave you w/ one......"One Sunday Morning" by Amy Ephron, i read good reviews of it, but was terribly disappointed b/c the book was precitable and a bit boring. a waste of an hour if you ask me, but try it for yourself and lemme know how you like! also, keep sending me YOUR reviews and i'll pass them along to my book club...i need a new list of good books as the one that i am working on hasn;t impressed me all that much,ahhhh i'm shutting up and i'm off to bed.

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